
The following are drama strategies covered in my pre-service drama course. Each of the following drama strategies are not only useful for helping students develop dramatic skills, but they can also be extremely beneficial for creating creative and interactive activities for learning and assessing other subject areas as well. 
Tableaux/Still image:
Image result for dramatic tableaux clipart
Tableaux [Online Image].
Retrieved from
Using a single or series of still, motionless scenes to represent a story. To create a vibrant tableaux, it is important to incorporate levels, depth, and emotion. This strategy encourages students to use nonverbal communication skills and to develop the ability to use their bodies and facial features to express themselves.
Tap in/Voices in the head :
Image result for inner thoughts clipart
The Inner Conversation [Online Image].
Retrieved from
A student "taps in" by taping a character from a scene or tableaux on the shoulder and states what they think the inner thoughts are of that character. This strategy helps students to develop perspective taking and the ability to read the sub-text of scenes and text.
Rolling Theatre:
Image result for rolling camera clipart
Cine Camera [Clipart]. Retrieved from,cine-camera-png-clip-art
Rolling theatre is a role taking strategy, where each student takes on a role and the class engages in a class-wide role play activity. The roles for this activity can derive from almost anywhere or any subject and this activity can strongly help students develop perspective taking skills.


Magic Hand/Sculpting:
Image result for sculptor clipart
Sculptor [Clipart]. Retrieved from

 In pairs, one individual acts as the "sculptor", while the other(s) act as the "clay". The sculptor then "sculpts" the other(s) with or without touching them to move them into a position that visually represents a scene, idea, or word. This can help students develop skills in non-verbal communication and it can lead them to think creatively and critically about the idea or concept that they are trying to represent
Image result for looking in the mirror clipart
Looking in the Mirror [Clipart]. Retrieved from 
This is a paired activity, where students collaborate with each other to create a mirror effect, where one person leads and the other follows. This activity requires students to work with each other and trust each other. An added extension of this activity would be to encourage the students to create the mirror effect with no leader or follower, but work and focus tog
Flash Forward/A moment in the future:
Image result for the flash clipart png
The Flash [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Flash Forward is an activity where students think critically and creatively to make prediction of what may happen in the future and then act out their predictive scene. This could relate to a scene or piece of literature and can be a creative and interactive way for students to engage with comprehension strategies in the literacy classroom.
Flashback/A moment in the past:
Image result for back to the future clipart
Back to the Future Logo [Clipart]. Retrieved from
In contrast to flash forward, flashback is an activity where students recall or predict something that happened previously in a story or scene and then act out the scene. Similar to flashfoward, this can be a great way for students to interact with literacy strategies and to think creatively and critically about the motivations behind a character's actions and choices.
Hot seat:
Image result for hot seat clipart
Reine Brand (2018). Hot Seat [Clipart]. Retrieved from

In this strategy, a student sits in the middle of the class and acts in role of a character from a story, scene, or scenario and answers questions posed by their remaining classmates. This is a great strategy to get students thinking deeply and critically because it requires students to go beyond thinking about what happened in a story and how a character reacted, but instead thinking about how the character may react or answer to questions and scenarios that did not necessarily happen in the story.
Teacher in Role [Online Image]. Retrieved from
In this activity, the teacher takes on a role and facilitates a role play activity in the class, where they practice role taking techniques as well as interact with whatever situation or context is. This can be a great strategy for cross-curricular learning as you can incorporate situations relating to other subject areas and require students to think critically about such subject content.
Corridor of voices/Voice alley:
Image result for hallway clipart
Hall with Doors Vector [Clipart].
Retrieved from
This activity is used for students to brainstorm and explore the inner thoughts and feelings of a character, where the class arranges in two rows, forming a hallway and a student walks through the hallway of students as the they whisper different thoughts or feelings that the character may be feeling. This strategy can be a great way for students to discuss controversial issues or moral dilemmas.
Voice over narration:
Image result for voice over clipart
Voiceovers [Clipart]. Retrieved from
This is a strategy where one student describes a story, gives information about it, and describes the character's motivations while other students act the scene out.
News reporting:
Image result for news reporter clipart
News Report TV [Clipart]. Retrieved from
This is a role-taking activity, where students act as a news reporter and report on a topic, event, or concept. This can involve reporting about events, sharing information, or interviewing others. This strategy can be great for cross-curricular lessons by having students report on content from other subjects, such as science or social studies.
Soundscape/Sound Effects/ Sound Tracking:
Image result for sound clipart
Sounds [Clipart]. Retrieved from
This is a strategy where students are asked to create a variety of sounds related to a scene/story or that may be found in a specific location and/or time. This encourages students to explore how to use vocal techniques to create their desired sounds and can add an element of depth and dramatic effect to a story, scene, or strategy.
Story board making:
Greg Larson (2012). Storyboard [Online Image]. Retrieved from
Story-board making is essentially as it sounds. It is a strategy where students create a story board to represent an existing story, a continuation of a story, or their own idea for a story. This is a great strategy for helping students develop planning and structuring strategies and it can be a great tool to integrate into literacy by having students sequence events or for having students create a plan before writing a literary piece. 
Image result for graffiti drama
Drama Graffiti [Online Image].
Retrieved from
In response to a story, concept, or idea, students will draw or write in the air using their hand or finger. Other students can then guess what the other student is representing. This can be a creative and interactive way for students to respond to material and share their ideas with their peers.
Guided visualization 
Image result for guided visualization
Carolyn Clarke (2013). Guided Imagery [Online Image]. Retrieved from
This is a simple activity where students close their eyes and visualize what the teacher describes. This can be a great introductory activity to introduce students to a new concept or idea and it can encourage students to think deeply about what certain things may look or sound like and it can give them a new appreciation for text and descriptive language.
Mimed Activity/Pantomime:
Image result for mime clipart
Gospel Mime [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Miming/Pantomime is a strategy where students communicate a scene or theme using only their body and facial expressions, with no oral communication. This is a great strategy for encouraging students to develop their non-verbal communication skills and to recognize how we can communicate with our body language and facial expressions.
Cross cutting:
Image result for scene clapper
Movie Clapper Board [Online Image]. Retrieved from
This is a strategy where two or more scenes occur simultaneously. The two scenes can be live at the same time or one can be paused while the other is live and then they cross cut back and forth. This strategy derives from split-scene techniques in the film industry and can be a great way to highlight comparisons and contrasts in the two scenes.
Caption Making:
Image result for caption clipart
Dream Bubble [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Caption making is a tableaux strategy tat also incorporates writing. For this strategy, students create a till image while holding up a paper with a caption or speech/thought bubble where they have written a short description or explanation of their scene.
 Writing in role:
Image result for writing clipart png
Ocal (2012). Hand Writing [Clipart].
Retrieved from
This strategy is one that works specifically well in correlation with literacy as it requires students to enter into the role and perspective of a character and write in role of that character. This requires students to practice their perspective taking and critical thinking skills and can encourage them to explore different feelings, perspectives, and writing strategies.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Collective drawing:
Image result for collaborative drawing
Fabric Lenny (2013). Drawing at Rowley Lane [Online Image].
Retrieved from
This is a collaborative visual art activity where students work together to share their ideas and thoughts about characters, a story, or theme on a shared paper.
Thought mapping/Positioning:
Image result for mapping clipart
Mapping [Clipart]. Retrieved form
In though/Position mapping, students place themselves in positions around the room in relation to an object to represent how they feel about that object or a concept that the object represents. For example, in class we used a chair to represent the concept of teaching drama and the class positioned themselves in the room according to how we each felt about teaching drama. This can be a great way to assess where students are at before beginning a lesson or unit and it could be particularly interesting to do this activity both before and after a lesson or unit to observe how students' understandings and confidence levels have changed and improved.
Image result for replay clipart
Repeat Button [Clipart]. Retrieved from
In this activity, students act in role to recreate a moment in history or to recreate another scene or story. This is a great activity to engage students in history and to encourage them to consider the different components and perspectives of that time.
Choral Speaking/Choral reading:
Image result for choral reading clipart
Amanda (2014). Choral Reading [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Choral reading is where students read aloud in unison or in different parts, while using different vocal techniques like tempo, pitch, and dynamics to highlight certain areas and to add dramatic effect.
Related image
Pikalink5 (2014). Qbert [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Gibberish is a strategy that essentially works as it sounds. Students interact in scenes, but instead of using words, students instead communicate in gibberish. This is a great activity to help students develop nonverbal communication skills and to practice using voice intonation and effects to get their messages across.
Overheard Conversations:
Image result for overhearing clipart
Events and Announcements [Clipart]. Retrieved from
In this strategy, students interact in groups, where 2+ students engage in a conversation, whereas the other students in the group act as though they overhear that conversation and then proceed to react to it. This is a great strategy for discussing controversial issues, thus requiring students to think critically and consider the different sides of the issue.
Image result for angel and devil on shoulder clipart
Icie Boyd (2016). Bipolar Disorder [Online Image]. Retrieved from
Alter-ego is a strategy that requires three students. One student acts as the main character who is facing a moral dilemma. The other two students act as the devil and angel that "sits" on the main character's shoulders. They then engage in trying to persuade the character to do the right or wrong thing. This strategy is very beneficial in helping students develop moral reasoning skills and can help them consider the varying perspectives regarding an issue.
Image result for machine clipart
Machine [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Machine is a strategy where students work together to make movements with their bodies to represent the movements of a machine. Each student can act as a separate portion of the machine, but as a whole the group should work together to create the sense of a unified machine.
Exquisite Corpse/Draw and Pass:
Image result for drawing clipart
Kids Drawing [Clipart]. Retrieved from
This is a unique strategy that combines both drama and visual arts, where students collaborate to create a collection of words or images. Each student adds to the collection by drawing or writing on a piece of paper relating to a story or theme, then each drawing gets rotated frequently until each student has the chance to draw/write on each picture. In tying it all together, the papers can be assembled in the form of a quilt.
Puppets/Shadow Puppets/Hand Shadows:
Image result for sock puppet clipart
Sock Puppets [Clipart]. Retrieved from
This strategy has students using puppets to act in role of a scene. This can be done with simply their hands, with sock puppets, or with shadow puppets. This can be a great way for students to act in role in a fun, but non-threatening way.
Related image
nwhaa (2010). Masks [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Masks can be used in drama to create an illusion that the student/actor is a different role. This strategy can help students get into role and it can help role playing seem less threatening to nervous students.
Connection Webs:
Image result for spider web clipart
Purple Spider in a Green Web [Clipart]. Retreived from
Connection Webs helps students connect their ideas together and realize the relationships and connections between their ideas. In this activity, a student shares an idea sparked by the main theme and then other students continue to make connections related to the prior idea. The physical connection web can be done in a variety of ways. The students can connect by connecting a part of their body to each person that makes a statement that they agree with and ultimately form a large bodily connection. Another method is to have students pass around a ball of yarn as they make connections so that their connecting ideas form a literal web in the end.
Guided Tour:
Image result for tour guide clipart
Tour Guide [Clipart] Retrieved from
In guided tour, the teacher uses descriptive language to verbally describe a location, such as a museum or tourist location, while the students close their eyes and image that they are actually being guided through that location. This is a great strategy to develop student's listening abilities and their visualization skills.
Verb Chains:
Image result for chain clipart
Mike (2012). Orange Chain [Clipart]. Retrieved from
In this activity, students focus on a particular tasks that can be as simple as brushing their teeth and then go through each action completed during the task (ie. squeezing the toothpaste). Students then create a verb chain by brainstorming other verbs that they could use in place of the original action (ie. compressing the toothpaste). Not only is this a drama strategy, but also a great integration of language arts as well.
What if:
Image result for what if clipart
What if? [Clipart]. Retrieved from
What if is a strategy that encourages students to be creative and think quickly as they consider possible problems, outcomes, and solutions to situations in their present scenes. This strategy can be used as a starting point in creating a scene or "what if?" questions can be asked periodically throughout a scene.
Slow Motion:
Image result for turtle clipart png
Turtle 2 [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Slow motion is a strategy where students focus on specific bodily movements as they act scenes out in slow motion. This requires students to think more deeply about the actions that they are creating with their bodies and it can be used to highlight particular moments or actions in a scene.
Role on the Wall:
Image result for role on the wall clipart
Role on the Wall [Online Image]. Retrieved from
This is a simple activity that encourages students to consider the relationships between the characteristics and actions of a character. This is done with a simple character outline where the students write/draw the character's inner emotions and characteristics on the inside of the outline and the character's actions and perceptions of other characters on the outside of the outline.
Collective Role:
Image result for collaboration clipart
Collaboration [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Collective role is when 2 or more students simultaneously take on one role and any one of them are able to speak as the character that they are all portraying together. This is a great strategy for encouraging collaboration and role taking.
Image result for eavesdropping clipart
Listening [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Eavesdropping is a strategy that allows students to observe the scenes of other groups and it provides opportunities for students to share the inner thoughts and secrets of their character within a scene. For this strategy, students are frozen in a scene and as the teacher walks around, certain characters "come to life" to act their portion of their scene or share the inner thoughts of their character while the remaining class can watch and listen in.
Image result for Kamishibai clipart
Kamishibai [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Kamishibai is another drama strategy that incorporates both dramatic and visual arts. For this strategy, students create drawn images to represent a scene/story and then orally narrate the story as they sequence the images.

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